Understanding the Property Market: £/sq.ft Trends in the UK, South East, and Med

The property market in the UK is a complex and multifaceted entity, characterised by a myriad of factors that influence property prices and values. One of...

Why Hasn’t the Medway Property Market Crashed?

The UK property market has demonstrated remarkable resilience despite facing significant challenges over the past 18 months. Many analysts in the autumn of...

Top 10 Tips for First-Time Kent Landlords

Entering the rental market as a first-time landlord in Kent can be both exciting and daunting. To help you navigate this journey, here are our top 10 tips...

Essential Questions To Ask When Viewing A Property

When purchasing a property, it is important to ask relevant questions during the viewing process. Asking appropriate questions can help you to gather key...
Medway Buy-to-Let Property Market: A Medway Landlord’s Perspective

Over the past few years, the UK rental market has experienced significant fluctuations, with rents increasing dramatically during the Covid-19 pandemic....

First time renters guide

Renting a property for the first time can seem daunting, but our quick guide will leave you feeling like a seasoned tenant in no time. Rent Rent will be...

What Can Put Potential Buyers off of your home?

Want to know the top six things that can put potential buyers off of your home? They are not as obvious as you might think. ClutterClutter makes rooms...

Making Sense of the Medway Property Market's £334 per Square Foot Value

Medway, a vibrant area with a diverse property market, offers countless opportunities for homeowners seeking their next home. However, navigating this...

It's time to get your garden ready for summer!

If you are eager to get your garden ready for Summer but are not really sure where to start just read on for our guide to the most important jobs you can...

Is it a Medway Buyers’ or Sellers’ Property Market?

Navigating the property market in Medway? Understanding the current market dynamics is essential whether you're looking to buy a dream home or sell a...